Procedure to create web site using wordpress:
1) Copy “wordpress” installation program to your host;
2) Copy “sitepress-multilingual-cms” plugin to wordpress directory ./content/plugin;
3) Create wordpress database and username (reminder to grant right);
4) Install wordpress by access your host “index.php” page (delete the wp-config.php if exists);
5) Follow screen instruction to create wordpress, remind to input the database name and username;
6) After installation, remind the admin password, and delete “install.php” program;
7) Login as user = “admin”, and change the password;
8) Select a suitable ‘theme’ (without any blog edit/publish function);
9) Create web pages by using wordpress’s admin function;
10) Install “WPML Multilingual CMS” plugin (sitepress-multilingual-cms), and then create menu for both Chinese and English;
11) To replace the default “HOME” page, you can use panel option “Pages->reading” to set-up;
12) Install a theme plugin which has menu bar, for example, I used “Twenty Ten Theme”;
13) Use plugin “Contact Form 7” and “Really Simple CAPTCHA” to create email contact form with graph security input;
14) Use plugin “Limit Login Attempts“ to limit rate of login attempts, including by way of cookies, for each IP;
15) Use plugin “Secure WordPress” Little basics for secure your WordPress-installation;
16) Use plugin “WassUp” to to show current online visitors and other statistics;
17) The “blog categories” can also be added to menu by using navigation function;
18) Change the wordpress logo or replace header image in the following directories:
19) I setup only the language selection option in the side bar, then, in future, we access “./ wp-login.php” page to login as admin, and access “./ wp-admin/” for administrative function.
20) Remove any useless items from login side menu if necessary such as “includes/defaults-widgets.php” ‘s “wp_register()”