
我是資深的電腦資訊從業員,曾於 Motorola 及 Philips 等跨國大型公司管理層工作十多年,具各類ERP資源管理系統及其它應用系統經驗,如QAD之MFG/PRO、SAP、Ufida(用友)、Kingdee(金蝶)、Microsoft's Dynamic、Wonderware's In-Track (SFC)、Webplan (SCM)、Hyperion (business intelligence)、Informatics (Data Warehouse)...等等。另外,我精於廠房車間之電腦資訊運作,擁有 CISSP 及 ITIL 認證,能提供日常資訊運作之檢測及審查,以提高操作效率。 本人誠意為各類大中小型廠房提供資訊審計、支援及意見,歡迎聯絡,電郵為




我想很多人會對"香港股票價位的歷史數據"有興趣,我已下載成Microsoft Access database version 2000 的文檔,資料由2008/1/1至2009/12/2,zip壓縮後也有11M,若索取請留你的PM我 。




ZySel UAG4100 無線網路熱點功能三機一體

I am looking for a wifi management device with the following requirement (as similar as government’s public wifi, or café public wifi):
1)      Not allow auto-connection wifi ;
2)      To confirm the wifi connection via a login page ;
3)      Set the time period limitation (e.g. 30 min) for wifi connection .
It seems ZySel UAG4100 can fulfill my requirement.


合勤科技UAG4100統一服務閘道器集服務閘道器、無線網路控制器及無線網路基地台各種功能於一身,是新一代無線熱點及飯店上網最佳解決方案。除了帳號 管理、計費和資料保存能力,UAG4100提供IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n同步雙頻無線網路基地台及無線網路控制器,更佳的擴充性和性能可以滿足未來飯店的上網需求。內建無線網路控制器最多可以管理16個無線網路 基地台,非常適合小型飯店、旅館、民宿等網路部署。搭配SP350E票券印表機使用,UAG4100也能在酒店大廳、餐廳或咖啡館完美部署Wi-Fi熱點 服務。

合勤科技UAG4100無線網路基地台IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n同步雙頻(2.4/5 GHz) 設計提供加倍的頻譜和頻寬,可以容納更大量的無線裝置。高性能硬體架構預設支援200 個使用者同時上線,並可以通過授權升級支援多達300個使用者。USG4100還提供精密的頻寬管理能力,執行頻寬共享,確保服務品質,可以提高客戶滿意 和吸引新客戶。
合勤科技UAG4100統一服務閘道器具備先進的計費、認證和上網控制功能,幫助飯店業管理客戶帳號,阻止未經授權的上網行為,以網際網路服務創造 營收。它提供彈性的Wi-Fi上網服務,業者可以自行決定把網際網路服務為免費服務、分層次服務(付費獲得保障服務品質)或付費服務。
  • 訪客帳號管理:配備內建帳號產生器與網頁式認證登入頁面,UAG4100協助飯店業輕鬆提供數以百計使用者的 網際網路服務控管機制。只需要在專屬登入頁面輸入帳號資訊,訪客在幾秒鐘內就可以獲得安全的有線或無線網際網路服務。UAG4100同時支援外部 RADIUS 伺服器和外部登入網頁重定向,大幅增加部署的靈活性。
  • 計費系統:飯店可以設定多達十種預付計費方案,可依不同的頻寬速度、服務期間和付款客製化。
  • SP350E 票券印表機:UAG4100搭配SP350EWi-Fi熱點應用的完美解決方案,SSP350E印票機支援單鍵產生帳號及帳單,對繁忙的大廳、餐廳和咖啡廳工作人員提供了輕鬆操作和流暢的服務流程。
  • 簡訊單據:UAG4100支援ViaNett簡訊單據,提供業者和訪客更佳的便利性。透過內建的簡訊單據功 能,業者可以直接由網際網路發送帳號和帳單資訊到客戶的手機,無需耗費大量金錢建立獨立的簡訊單據系統。相較於紙本單據,簡訊單據更經濟、更環保,並降低 客戶因遺失紙本單據造成的不便。
除了單一Wi-Fi熱點部署之外,合勤科技UAG4100統一服務閘道器也適合部署在具有延伸、多房間網路的住宿設施 (例如小型旅館、民宿和賓館)。內建的無線網路控制器可以幫助中小型飯店延伸無線網路到客房、餐飲區或戶外區,預設支援管理8個無線網路基地台,並可通過 授權升級支援多達 16個無線網路基地台。內建無線網路控制器可以降低部署成本,並集中管理無線網路基地台,降低維護時間和負擔。

許多國家訂有資料保留法規,以歐盟資料保留指令(2006/24/EC)為例,它要求企業保留固定期間內的網路使用記錄,如果飯店業者沒有合適設 備,就會形成重大負擔。針對此一需求,合勤科技UAG4100統一服務閘道器協助飯店業符合法規需求。與系統紀錄伺服器一起部署,UAG4100能自動 記錄使用者帳戶資訊、MAC位址、來源和目的IP位址、資料量和法規稽核所需的協定類型。


4 basic step process for online marketing

Success online is at the core a 4 step process nothing more complex than this and this is exactly what you are going to be learning here at Wealthy Affiliate.
Broken, down, the process looks like this:
Step 1: Choose an Interest
Step 2: Build Your Website
Step 3: Get rankings in search engines (leads to traffic)
Step 4: Earn $$$ from your traffic

I have a question: Does "Wickedfire" be the top tier affiliates in the online marketing industry ?


How to order i-phone6 in Hong Kong

Apple has been selling i-phone6 publicly in Hong Kong since Sept 2014. However, up to now, we still need to register on-line before purchase, and cannot walk-in to purchase. To remind that we have to order from i-reserve link ( , and we have no chance to reserve through the normal order page in apple store web site. Moreover, the critical step is to get the verification code from your HK phone. Too trouble to order an i-phone, so, I prefer to pay more money to buy from other store (e.g. Fortress -

source info:

1. 首先當然是進入Apple的預訂網站,連結有兩條,如下:


2. 驗證你的預訂代碼

當你成功進入此版面後,你必須以最快的動作,將畫面中步驟1的代碼發送到指定的電話號碼,這裡是6450 0366。上一次很多人就是"死"在這一步,因為一些電訊商的使用人數太多,導致網絡大塞車至遲遲未能發出SMS或接收SMS,如果在這個步驟你花了超過3分鐘的話,機會基本上已經是少了一半,如果是5分鐘的話,那基本上已經是接近失敗了。所以,大家最好準備多一部採用不同電訊商的電話,越多越好。

3. 輸入代碼及切忌按得太多次


4. 選購產品


5. 完成輸入個人資料及完成預訂



1. 香港身份證或特區護照(包括BNO)
2. 可以接收SMS的電話多部
3. 可以穩定上網的電腦(不能用App,手機最好用iPhone/iPad)


可以先 安裝瀏覽器的自動填表插件,推薦大家用Chrome的插件「LastPass」(下載連結按此),然後就可以設定不同網站的登入名稱及密碼等,方便到時即時自動填資料。

An interesting Internet Marketer - Wealthy Affiliate

There are a lot of internet scams from internet marketing. Most of them promise loads of easy money, expensive cars, and an amazing internet lifestyle just so long as you buy their secret guide to success. They sell you a dream, and deliver a nightmare of expensive upgrades, low-quality products, and disappointment.
Wealthy Affiliate seem not doing in that way, You can create your membership account and access the community for free. We suggest several interesting topic from below table, and you can create a web site picking any topic. WA will help you to improve that site, and earn money from it. Good luck.
niche ideas


Clickbank University Review: Is it Worth The Price?

There are three affiliate marketing for your study: Affilorama, Wealthy Affiliate and Clickbank. I always receive promotion email from ClickBank University, saying that $47 to get their training course, but to remind that it is a monthly pay, so think carefully before apply.

The following information from :

Clickbank University Review: Is it Worth The Price?

What Is It?

Clickbank University is a training center and community on how to create your own info products to sell online. You can also learn how to market other people’s products via affiliate marketing.
Review Updated Nov 15 for Clickbank 3.0

Short Review

The quality of training is very high, and the community is somewhat active. The price is quite high but not unreasonable for what you get. I think this could be a good product for someone looking to market information via their own info product listed on Clickbank, but not for someone looking to make money in affiliate marketing.

Before You Buy

Usually I have to deal with con artists trying to squeeze every penny out of me on sales pages, so Clickbank’s straightforward sales page was a pleasant surprise. They are clear about what you will be doing inside the members area, and what your money will pay for.
The only thing that put me off was the emphasis on financial independence and leading that “ideal lifestyle” of working from home. While I agree that this is possible via the methods they teach, I felt it was a bit over the top and reminiscent of other scammy products that I review.
They have a legit training center and don’t need to play that type of game.

What I Liked

The main training center focuses on product creation, which is different from most other “make money” systems that I review. Product creation can be a very lucrative online business if you create a high quality product(s) and can drive traffic to your site.
You can make even more money if you have a good email sequence for email marketing, and even MORE money if you have good incentives for affiliates to start doing the selling for you.
I didn’t watch all the videos available to me, but the ones I saw were very candid, high quality, and provided real insight into how online marketing works. I saw a few about how to think of a product to sell, how to drive traffic to your website, and the basics of howaffiliate marketing works on Clickbank.
clickbank uni training
There is a ton of info to read, so if you join Clickbank University, you’ll have plenty to keep you busy. Beginners will definitely benefit from training, as well as low-intermediate to intermediate level online marketers. I think if you have experience and have just not found luck with your previous campaigns, you might find the info pretty standard, and might only benefit from later training modules (which I was unable to view)
clickbank uni active fb page
One last thing I liked was that their Facebook page was pretty active as far as theirposting goes. It’s always good to see that product owners are active in social media because it shows they are investing time in the business, rather than sitting back and waiting for paychecks as you struggle with the training.

Website Builder

Originally I was against the Website Builder because I assumed it was just another CMS like WordPress. Too bad they really didn’t make it clear in the main sales video. I skipped all the upsell junk because I really hate the upsell process that most companies force us through. However, after looking at their video here for affiliates (start at 2:55), what the website build actually does is explained in much more detail.
This is a way to help you create a website for your own productT that essentially integrates with Clickbank to make selling this product easier. I think this is a cool idea, and for folks looking to create their own digital product, this would be a worthwhile investment. But remember, you’re now paying $47/month for CBU members area ($564), PLUS $297. Your yearly cost of business operation just jumped to $861. Also, remember that this might lock your site into their builder, so if you decide to change to outside hosting at some point, I’m not sure how that process goes.
If you are serious about creating and selling your own digital products online, you need to prepare yourself for such an investment. It’s still a million times cheaper than a brick and mortar business, but not as cheap as being an affiliate.

What I Didn’t Like

Is Locked Modules Really for My Benefit?

First and foremost, the most annoying thing about Clickbank Uni is that most of the training is locked. Not only is it locked for the $1 trial, but even after you start shelling out$97 $47 per month (reasonably priced now), they still continue to lock it, and you can only open the modules they deem useful, at a time they decide. UPDATE: They have now unlocked “more” content to new members, but continue to force you to move at their pace, rather than theirs…for your “protection”
clickbank uni premier
Sure you can unlock everything and do it at your own pace, but it’ll cost you an entire year of “tuition” in one go. So if you are an ambitious individual, you’d better be a rich individual as well, because you’ll need $800 to get access to the material.
It was difficult to do a real analysis of all of the training they offer because the $1 trial really only gives you access to introductory videos. If what I saw is representative of what they plan to deliver later on, then the training is very much worth the $97 per month fee.

7 Day Free Trial and $47/month For My #1 Recommended Affilaite Training Center

Training Topics

They seem to be very focused on the business model of product creation, squeeze pages, sales pages, and building email lists. I’m not a fan of this because many times you end up having to pay for traffic from no-so-great sources, or focus on getting affiliates to market for you (if you are just starting out, this will probably add to your challenges).
Though more labor intensive, I have had much more luck with free traffic from Google using keyword research and blogging. I may be wrong, but I didn’t see anything about that in their training.
UPDATE: I have been informed by their affiliate manager that they do not recommend paid traffic methods to new members, and have many free traffic generation methods. I’m not sure what these are other than blogging and social. I will admit, that I am not familiar with how to hire affiliates, and that I do not know the ins and outs of generating traffic to a squeeze page. My own traffic generation methods rely heavily on content creation through blogging and social media presence. My campaigns do not rely on squeeze pages.

Updated Price

Clickbank has since updated their monthly price to $47/month, which is a lot more reasonable than what they were charing before. However, signing up for CBU also means you get stuffed into a typical sales funnel where the second you buy something, you are asked to buy something else. You can see from the affiliate information below that there will be a series of upsells and downsells after signing up.
Come on guys, let a brotha’ breathe a bit before you dig your hands deeper into our wallets
cbu affiliate
It seems odd that they would be charging for a website builder now, since WordPress is 100% free and the most widely used builder out there. I do not know what the current builder is, but if it’s unique to Clickbank, it will mean you cannot move your website to another host if you decide to leave. I will update on this soon, along with what the new yearly price is.

Lack of Support

When I first landed on CB University, I heard crickets chirping. There were not very many comments, and those few comments that were there, were not answered. Some that were answered, were done so by other members. From 4 pages of comments on one of their training modules I created this graph to demonstrate the sorry state of support inside the members area.
clicbank university support
*Some edits to the order of comments were made to fit everything in this image
However, as I browsed the site more, I saw that there are in fact some “experts” that answer the questions of the members.
Who gets answers, and how often the staff chime in to help out is very hit and miss. Some modules had staff replying to every comment, while other modules had none. I would say that more often than not questions were not answered, and there seemed to be a lot of confused non-English speakers asking things that were not appropriate to the specific page they were looking at.
UPDATE: They now have weekly live Q&A classes for members.
clickbank uni experts

No Pulse On Community

Part of the appeal of paying for a monthly membership being part of an active community that you can exchange ideas with. In the sales video, we were told that Clickbank University had a pulse, and was a thriving community of people just like us.
But after investigating the training, community, and Facebook page I actually saw very little activity. There were rarely more than 10 comments on a training video (including moderators), the most active part of the forum was the “self introduction” top (12 comments), and the Facebook page had nothing.
cb university community
Granted, this is a pretty new product, but I would think that Clickbank would have the experience and the means to popular their own community. UPDATE: It’s been a few months since I wrote this review, and they had a major affiliate launch a few weeks ago. I assume there is more activity from members and support at this point.

Final Review

Clickbank University is a good product that’s worth the money. I think that for someone looking to create and promote their own digital info product through Clickbank, this is probably going to be your best investment. If you are an “expert” in something and want to make money off of your knowledge, now’s the time to start!
However, I don’t like their marketing strategy of “upsells”, and I strongly disagree with their decision to lock modules for new members.
I also completely understand that not everyone wants to create their own product! Personally, I prefer to be an affiliate. I don’t have to deal with a lot of the same stresses that product creators do. I make a full time income as an affiliate of other companies, and have no intention of creating my own product in the future. If this sounds like you, keep reading. If you have no idea if you want to be an affiliate or a product creator, start out as an affiliate, learn the ropes, then make your decision. It’s a whole lot easier in my opinion.

Wealthy Affiliate vs Clickbank University
FeaturesClickbank University
Is it easy to get help?
Private coaching available?
Can you Contact the Owners?
Is there a live chat?
Is there step-by-step training?
Are free websites included?
Is web hosting included?
Can you try for free?
Is there a keyword research tool?
Is there an affiliate program?
Do I recommend this?No
My Overall Rating2/10

What Now?

OK, to be fair I don’t think that it’s a bad product, but why pay more money for less training and support? If CB Uni caught your interest, you are going to love this:
  • A FREE 7 day trial with access to hundreds of training modules and a full 10 beginner lessons?
  • A THRIVING community of awesome, friendly people, including live chat support?
  • $47 per month membership price with a 59% discount for your first month?
  • $359 per year discount available ($29/month!)
  • No locked modules – learn at your own pace
All that, plus personal support from me (a full time internet marketer) is available atWealthy Affiliate. It’s where I got started, and it’s how I learned to build my first online business. They’re currently my #1 rated product because they’re inexpensive, effective, and want to see you succeed.
Oh, and you learn to be an affiliate of ANY product, including (but not limited to) Clickbank products.


Script to install Odoo OpenERP under Amazon AWS Cloud Platform

How to implement a free-of-charge world-class ERP solution without any hardware investment and maintenance cost ? Here is the solution by using Odoo under Amazon Cloud Platform. Pragmatic Odoo OpenERP is a pre-configured, secured, optimized and ready to run image for running Odoo OpenERP on Amazon EC2 in a production mode. Odoo OpenERP is a very popular business suite of application which covers the most important aspects of running a business including Sales, Purchase, Accounting, Finance, HR, Inventory Management, MRP, and POS. We have created a database with necessary modules such as automatic DB backups, Audit trails, encrypted passwords, warnings and alerts, Dashboards, VAT and some of the other must modules in Odoo OpenERP to run it effectively in production.

Step 1.  Go to AWS Market Place and search for Pragmatic Odoo OpenERP page and launch the instance.
1.1. Search “Pragmatic Odoo OpenERP” from aws marketplace
1.2. Select “Region” and then press “Continue” to confirm installation, and then select “EC Instance Type” in the next screen
1.3. After finished, the following screen will pop-up
1.4. Wait for several minutes for installation, and check status from the following screen
1.5. Check the status from aws console
1.6. Check how to connect the odoo system as below screen
Step 2. For accessing the Odoo OpenERP:
  • 2.1) Go to browser.
    2.2) Enter IP address of AWS instance to acess the Odoo OpenERP instance.
  • Pls refer to the following user guide for the detail.

User Guide

Pragmatic Techsoft is a dynamic and fast growing company committed towards creating value for our customers. Located in Pune, India the educational and IT hub of western India, we take pride in delivering rapid, customized open source enterprise applications following agile and lean software methods. Whether you are developing an application from scratch, working on an existing application or porting your application to a new platform or framework, we can meet your business needs.
You can learn more about Pragmatic at
Odoo OpenERP is a comprehensive suite of business applications including Sales, CRM, Project management, Warehouse management, Manufacturing, Financial management, Human Resources and more.
You can learn more about Odoo OpenERP at
Pragmatic Odoo OpenERP is a pre-configured, secured, optimized and ready to run image for running Odoo OpenERP on Amazon EC2 in a production mode. Odoo OpenERP is a very popular business suite of application which covers the most important aspects of running a business including Sales, Purchase, Accounting, Finance, HR, Inventory Management, MRP, and POS. We have created a database with necessary modules such as automatic DB backups, Audit trails, encrypted passwords, warnings and alerts, Dashboards, VAT and some of the other must modules in Odoo OpenERP to run it effectively in production.
You need to have your AWS instance. Lanuch your instance with Pragmatic AMI.To get Pragmtic AMI on your instance a link is provided on the landing page.
  • Easy To Get started
    Launch your instance with pragmatic Odoo OpenERP AMI and start using it as soon as your instance is ready.
  • Free
    Pragmatic Odoo OpenERP is a free instance to be used in cloud. No charges are applied for it’s use. Only cost use have to bare is AWS hosting cost.
  • Ready To Use
    Pragmatic Odoo OpenERP comes with preconfigured and production ready Odoo OpenERP on it. OpenERP_modules is the list of modules installed. You can start using it for your organization as soon as your instance is ready and running.
  • Data Back-up
    Backup of database for your Odoo OpenERP is taken on regular interval to ensure your data is safe and secure. Additionally You can take backup manually.
  • View and Edit DB:
    PhpPgAdmin 5.0.3 is installed to view and modify database easily.
  • Pragmatic Odoo OpenERP AMI commes with following componenets.
    - Odoo OpenERP 7.0-20131204-002457 / Odoo OpenERP 8.0-20131204-002457
    - PostgreSQL 9.1.10
    - Python 2.7.3 
    - phpPgAdmin 5.0.3
Only requirement for you to start with is Amazon EC2 instance. One you have your Amazon account you can start your EC2 instance with this AMI.
Odoo OpenERP 7.0Odoo OpenERP 8.0
  • Sample Odoo OpenERP Database account password:
user: admin 
passwd: admin
user: admin 
passwd: ******
  • The Odoo OpenERP administrative user and password is
user: admin 
passwd: ******
user: admin 
passwd: ******
  • Postgresql role/user and passwd for Odoo OpenERP
user: openerp 
passwd: ******
user: openerp8 
passwd: ******
Tip:- ****** Represent The Instance ID that may look like i-db3dc8f8.
Your password for User openerp / openerp8 in phpPgAdmin is your instance ID that may look like i-db3dc8f8.
To access your databse using phpPgAdmin, enter your_public_ip_address/phppgadmin in your browser.
**Your public ip is available on your EC2 page.