
我是資深的電腦資訊從業員,曾於 Motorola 及 Philips 等跨國大型公司管理層工作十多年,具各類ERP資源管理系統及其它應用系統經驗,如QAD之MFG/PRO、SAP、Ufida(用友)、Kingdee(金蝶)、Microsoft's Dynamic、Wonderware's In-Track (SFC)、Webplan (SCM)、Hyperion (business intelligence)、Informatics (Data Warehouse)...等等。另外,我精於廠房車間之電腦資訊運作,擁有 CISSP 及 ITIL 認證,能提供日常資訊運作之檢測及審查,以提高操作效率。 本人誠意為各類大中小型廠房提供資訊審計、支援及意見,歡迎聯絡,電郵為




我想很多人會對"香港股票價位的歷史數據"有興趣,我已下載成Microsoft Access database version 2000 的文檔,資料由2008/1/1至2009/12/2,zip壓縮後也有11M,若索取請留你的PM我 。




IT人日記 – 武漢肺炎肆虐下的香港就業情況

自從2018年尾的中美貿易戰,之後是反送中事件,催淚彈、墮樓和浮屍,今日的武漢肺炎, 香港可說是禍不單行, 經濟和民生皆大受影響, 搵工和就業困難,本人深深感受到。More


What are L1, L2, L3, L4 support in software engineering?

L1 or level 1 support includes interacting with the customers, understanding their problems and then creating a ‘ticket’ against it. A ‘ticket’, also referred to as ‘incident’ is then routed to the L2 or level 2 support. Sometimes the request/grievance raised by the customer is very minor and can be solved by the L1 support as well.
L2 or level 2 support manages the tickets which are routed to them by the L1. These tickets/incidents may require some technical knowledge which the L1 team does not posses, in this scenario the L2 support takes over.
L3 is the last line of support and usually comprises of a developer team which addresses the technical issues. Sometimes the issues reported by customers cannot be solved by L1 & L2 .In that case, the L3 team analyses the issue and fixes it. The issues which the L3 team gets involves code/development related fixes.

L1 – First Line Support: Telephone helpdesk or answer center support
This support level receives inbound requests through channels like phone, Web forms, email, chat, or other means based on the documented agreement with the Client. L1 support typically includes individuals that have very limited technical expertise. L1 support logs, categorizes, prioritizes, tracks, and routes (i) incidents reported by users or (ii) alarms raised by monitoring tools. L1 is intended to be the first to acknowledge an incident. L1 support tracks tickets until successfully resolved. L1 engineers can implement basic, documented break-fix tasks along the lines of following a cookbook recipe. L1 personnel will typically escalate to an L2 resource and follow documented escalation procedures, again, like following a cookbook recipe. Depending on the vendor, L1 technicians will have from 0 to 4 years of prior relevant experience. At Appnomic, L1 engineers generally have at least 2 years of prior relevant experience.
L2 – Second Line Support
These technicians have more experience than L1 support technicians and manage incidents raised by the L1s or as agreed in documented SLA (Service Level Agreement) timelines. L2 technicians follow documented processes and workflows provided by Clients or higher level support representatives, vendors, product management, etc. They are expected to escalate to the L3’s when documentation is insufficient to complete the tasks or do not solve the incident. L2s usually have and maintain a Run-Book which they can use for immediate resolutions. They collaborate with any other support or dependency groups in case the incident has a linkage to other support personnel or outside vendors. L2 engineers will typically escalate to an L3 resource and follow documented escalation procedures. At Appnomic, L2 engineers generally have 4 or more years of experience on a specific technology platform (e.g., Windows servers, Oracle Database, etc.).
L3 – Third Line Support
L3 technical experts resolve issues that are typically difficult or subtle. L3 engineers participate in management, prioritization, minor enhancements, break fix activities, problem management, stability analysis, etc. These support leaders have specific, deep understanding and expertise in one or two technology platforms (for example, an Oracle database administrator or a Windows Admin). L3 engineers are proactive in nature, identifying problems in advance and looking for continuous service improvement opportunities. If a fix involves a major enhancement or a development, then the problem is transferred to engineering or development teams, Level 4. L3 engineers may have root or administrator access to basic systems. Appnomic L3 engineers generally have 8 or more years of relevant experience.
L4 – Product and Vendor Support
L4 support refers to product or vendor support and often involves vendor product architects, engineers, software developers, hardware designers and the like. When all other levels of support cannot solve a problem, a request is made to this level of support – usually managed by the L3 support technician or through special project/program management resources. These escalations can often involve product bugs, detailed configuration requirements, or other expert level guidance. Appnomic Systems provides L4 Support for Appnomic software products like AppsOne®.


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