
我是資深的電腦資訊從業員,曾於 Motorola 及 Philips 等跨國大型公司管理層工作十多年,具各類ERP資源管理系統及其它應用系統經驗,如QAD之MFG/PRO、SAP、Ufida(用友)、Kingdee(金蝶)、Microsoft's Dynamic、Wonderware's In-Track (SFC)、Webplan (SCM)、Hyperion (business intelligence)、Informatics (Data Warehouse)...等等。另外,我精於廠房車間之電腦資訊運作,擁有 CISSP 及 ITIL 認證,能提供日常資訊運作之檢測及審查,以提高操作效率。 本人誠意為各類大中小型廠房提供資訊審計、支援及意見,歡迎聯絡,電郵為




我想很多人會對"香港股票價位的歷史數據"有興趣,我已下載成Microsoft Access database version 2000 的文檔,資料由2008/1/1至2009/12/2,zip壓縮後也有11M,若索取請留你的PM我 。




Odoo e-commerce software

I agree that Odoo software (former: Open ERP software / Tiny ERP software)  is the best open source ecommerce software.

Full-featured e-Commerce

Optimize sales with an awesome online store

Odoo's e-Commerce software is unlike anything you have ever seen before. Get an awesome catalog of products and great product description pages.
It's full-featured, integrated with your management software, fully customizable and super easy.

Create Awesome Product Pages

Get rid of old WYSIWYG editors

Odoo's unique 'edit inline' and building blocks approach makes creating product pages surprisingly easy. "Do you want to change the price of a product? Or to put it in bold? Do you want to add a banner for a specific product?" Just click and change. What you see is what you get. Really.
Drag & Drop well-designed 'Building Blocks' to create beautiful product pages. Your customers will love it.

Increase Your Revenue Per Order

Simple solutions to boost your business

The built-in cross-selling feature helps you offer extra products related to what the shopper puts in their cart.
Odoo's upselling tool shows visitors similar but more expensive products from your database, with incentives.
The inline editing feature allows you to easily change a price, launch a promotion or fine tune the description of a product.

Built-in Invoicing & Accounting

No more painful synchronization between different software

Produce customer invoices in just a few clicks. Control sales and cash in real time and use Odoo's powerful reporting to make smarter decisions and improve your online store's efficiency.
No more hassle with integrating a variety of software: get all your sales and inventory operations automatically posted in your G/L.

Integrated Inventory Management

All your stock data in one unique place

Consolidate all your sales channels in real time: stores, ecommerce, sales teams. Get real time control of the inventory and accurate forecasts to manage procurement.

Clean Google Analytics Integration

Control your sales funnel with Google Analytics

Get clear visibility of your sales funnel.Odoo's Google Analytics trackers are by default configured to track whatever is happening on your sites - shopping carts, call-to-actions, etc.
All Odoo marketing tools (mass mailing, campaigns, etc) are linked to Google Analytics, so you'll get a complete 360° view of your business.

Target New Markets

Website in multiple languages

Get your website translated into multiple languages with no effort. Odoo  suggests translations across all pages, following what you edit on the master page.

Automatically translate pages thanks to Odoo's "on demand" translation service using a professional translating service. Just change any part of your website  and the translated versions will be updated on the platforms automatically in around 32 hours. A professional standard of translation is guaranteed.

Fine Tune Your Catalog

Boost sales by emphasizing best products

Get full control of how you display your products in the catalog page: promotional ribbons, related size of products, discounts, variants, grid/list view, etc.
Edit any product inline so that your website evolves with your customers' needs.

Acquire New Customers

SEO tools at your finger tips

SEO tools are ready to use, with no configuration or development required. Odoo suggests keywords according to the most searched terms on Google; Google Analytics tracks your shopping cart events; sitemaps are created automatically for Google indexing, etc.
The content is automatically well-structured so as to promote your products effectively in Google.

Leverage Social Media

Optimize: from ads to conversions

Easily create new landing pages with the Odoo inline editing feature. Send visitors of your different marketing campaigns to specific landing pages to optimize conversions.

Manage a Reseller Network

Referencing, lead forward, pricelists

Manage a reseller network to target new markets, increase local presence or broaden your distribution. Give the network access to your reseller portal for an efficient collaboration.
Promote your resellers online, forward leads to resellers (with built-in geolocalisation feature), define specific pricelists, launch a loyalty programs offering specific discounts to your best customers or resellers, etc.

Integrated vs Interfaced

Benefit from the power of Odoo, in your online store: a powerful tax engine, flexible pricing structures, a real inventory management solution, a reseller interface, support for products with different behaviours; physical goods, events, services, variants and options, etc.
You don't need to interface with your warehouse, sales or accounting software. Everything is integrated with Odoo. No pain, real time.

A Clean Checkout Process

Convert visitor interest into real orders through a clean checkout process with a minimal number of steps and great usability on every page.
Customize your checkout process to fit your business needs: payment modes, delivery methods, cross-selling, special conditions, etc.

